
Non-recyclable waste, list and info

Non-recyclable waste, list and info

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Non-recyclable waste: what they are, list and how they are disposed of; lots of useful information on waste that cannot be recycled.

THE non-recyclable waste they end up in the undifferentiated dry bucket. In the nine homes there are many non-recyclable waste that we produce. With careful separate collection, the unsorted dry bucket should be the last to fill up.

Non-recyclable waste, list

For completeness, we dedicate a paragraph to the list of non-recyclable waste that is commonly produced at home.

  • Diapers and sanitary napkins
  • Toys for children
  • Toothbrush
  • Plastic glasses and cutlery
  • Basins
  • Shards of pottery
  • Dust from the vacuum cleaner
  • Pens and markers
  • Plastic dishes
  • Shoes
  • Old work tools (tools such as screwdrivers ...)
  • Hair brushes
  • Cosmetic packs
  • Pirex and fake glass
  • Porcelains and cooked
  • Audio and video cassettes
  • Small plastic items
  • cotton swab

They are not included in the list ofunsorted wasteall recyclable waste such as waste derived from the food process (organic waste and oil), paper and cardboard, recyclable plastic, aluminum, steel and glass. Even so-called hazardous or special waste and electronic waste should not be thrown into non-recyclable waste.

In thelist of non-recyclable waste, in some municipalities should also include small wooden objects. In some cities it is possible to carry out the separate collection of wood. For all information, please read the pageWaste recycling in Italy.

Disposal of non-recyclable waste

The disposal of non-recyclable waste provides for incineration in the so-calledwaste-to-energy plantsUnfortunately there are many studies that support the danger of the fumes produced by the combustion of waste even if these fumes should be treated before being released into the atmosphere.

Not only perfumes but also ashes. At the end of the combustion of the waste there is the phase of ash extraction. The ashes make up about 30% by weight of the incoming waste. The most harmful to humans are fine dust which in turn make up about 4% of the weight of incoming waste. Also in this case the technology offers filtering systems which, however, are not always effective.

Ashes and dust produced in waste-to-energy plants, are both disposed of in landfills for special waste. As for the hot fumes released during the combustion of waste, these pass through a multi-stage filtering system in which they are treated and then released into the atmosphere at around 140 ° C.

As an alternative to incinerators there is a disposal system based on pyrolysis. The pyrolysis of municipal waste has the advantages of waste treatment in waste-to-energy plants. What changes between these two disposal systems? If you run for moralizers the waste is burned, with pyrolysis plants the waste is heated in a chamber with an oxygen deficit. In this chamber a process takes place "gasification" of non-recyclable waste, this process, in the absence of oxygen, opens the doors to the production of gases.

As is clear, both the incineration of waste in waste-to-energy plants and the pyrolysis of non-recyclable waste in the appropriate plants, are processes that see the production of energy from undifferentiated waste.

How does the disposal of non-recyclable waste act through incinerators? The operation of waste-to-energy plants is very simple. We briefly describe how a waste incinerator works.

The non-recyclable municipal solid waste is selected and placed in special ovens. Their combustion produces heat that will heat the water contained in a boiler. The water will turn into high pressure steam which will produce electricity.

Can chellophane be recycled?

In thelist of non-recyclable waste we did not include cellophane. Cellophane is in fact a recyclable material and can be differentiated together with plastic. Food cellophane, therefore dirty with organic residues, can also be thrown away in the recycling of plastic.

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Video: Δήμος Μούτσης- Ο κύριος Τίποτα (January 2025).