
Dolphins of the Mediterranean

Dolphins of the Mediterranean

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Dolphins of the Mediterranean, among the most loved animals, however, not only in the Mediterranean but throughout the world, protagonists of various works of art, from rock engravings to modern illustrators, of many films, and even of TV series. Pinball is the dolphin that perhaps most of all has won fans even managing to transmit beauty and intelligence of these animals. Dolphins of the Mediterranean or other seas, we are talking about mammals that today have many survival problems despite being a positive symbol.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: species present

The species of Dolphins in the seas of the world there are 32, but i Dolphins of the Mediterranean there can be only 9 species, those reported: 1 accidental, 3 occasional and 5 regularly present. In general, it is complex to describe the behavior and habits of life of these fascinating animals because moving from area to area in their "deep blue" they change a lot.

THE Dolphins of the Mediterranean belong to the species of Delphinidae, name of the family to which these Odontocetes belong, there are other predators in the water that belong to two families of Cetaceans similar to that of dolphins: the Platanistidae and the Inidae.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: video

A video to learn more about i Dolphins of the Mediterranean, to have fun but also to better inform us about what they are experiencing in this period. Although there are international laws that prohibit their killing and capture, thousands of dolphins of the Mediterranean and not, they are killed in tuna fishing nets or in nets used to catch swordfish, the so-called spadare.

There are other causes such as certain bacteria and viruses, the magnetic alterations of their sophisticated orientation systems, pollution that poison them. Seeing the video, no sadness but the awareness that just watching, does not help them. Click here to watch the video.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Common dolphin

THE Dolphins of the Mediterranean common people sleep floating on the surface but you can't catch them off guard because half of their brains are watching. They are strong, indomitable and cunning animals, nice but also aggressive to each other. Not many know that iDolphins of the Mediterranean they often engage in fights between clans and even aggressively attack each other: the males bite the youths of the rival clans and “rape” the females.

But I'm not here to discredit the common dolphin nor its relatives, so I must say that it has an extraordinary imitative spirit typical of human beings and very few other species of primates. And then he is a very communicative animal, with a very rich "vocabulary", and emits a wide range of sounds that can also be perceived by us humans and other ultrasounds with frequencies too high for us.

In order to feed himself - because although he is likeable he is always and in any case a predator - he gets food in water and as well as on land, he prepares attacks on fish washed ashore by the waves who first produced their fin.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Pilot whale

The Pilot Whale called Globicephala melas is one of the Dolphins of the Mediterranean among the most gregarious: it forms groups of a few tens up to hundreds of individuals. It is 5 or 6 meters long, weighs a maximum of 3 tons, appears almost totally black except for a white anchor-shaped spot on the throat. We meet him in Mediterranean and throughout the North Atlantic Ocean, but not on the coasts of the Adriatic nor in the northern area of Gulf of Taranto. Always in the same waters we find the Mediterranean monk seal

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Orca

Between Dolphins of the Mediterranean this is the cosmopolitan, rare but present in the western basin, in the Ligurian Sea, around Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Malta, very rarely in the Ionian Sea. The killer whale (Orcinus orca), prefers cold waters, lives in clans of 10 or even 30 specimens, eats both small or large fish, as well as mammals and sea birds.

It is quite large, reaches 9 meters in length and 8 tons in weight, if male, it has a very evident dorsal fin which characterizes it as a species, even sprouting up to 1.80 meters. How colors it is black with white areas, for example near the eye.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Pseudorca

Also called the Pseudorca (Pseudorca crassidens) this type of Mediterranean Dolphins is uniform black, at most with a lighter belly, measuring 5-6 meters in length and weighing 1 or 2 tons. In groups of even 50 individuals it frequents the Mediterranean only occasionally, in particular the Ligurian Sea, or the waters near the Aeolian Islands, the coast of Sicily and Sardinia and those of the Balearics. Eat cephalopods and pelagic fish.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Grampo

In the Ligurian Sea, throughout the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the surrounding waters Corsica and Sardinia, in the northern Ionian there is also the Grampo, one of the rarest among the Dolphins of the Mediterranean and absent in the north of the Adriatic. Said Grampus griseus, it is a dolphin long on average 2.60-3.60 meters, which weighs only 400-600 kg and has a very original color: as an adult it is light gray with evident marks or scratches that cover the whole body. The groups formed by the Grampo are small, of a dozen specimens, and eat cephalopods, almost alone.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Indo-Pacific Susa

As the name suggests, more than of Dolphins of the Mediterranean we are talking about dolphins that frequent the Indian Ocean and the Indo-Pacific region, Africa, Asia and Australia. Only with the opening of the Suez Canal did it arrive in our sea feeding on fish and crustaceans even though it is only 2.5-3.2 meters long and weighs 200-280 kg. It can be recognized by a swelling of the lipid tissue on the back, around the dorsal fin which earned him the nickname of "Dolphin with hump".

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Striped dolphins

The striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) has dorsally striated skin, obviously: blackish or dark gray with a band of the same color pointing towards the belly. Hips and back are light grey, the belly is white and then some dark stripes from the eye reach the rear.

All of this mix in a body of about two meters, which maximum weight 120 Kg and which feeds on blue fish and molluscs. In the Mediterranean there is but podo, it prefers temperate and tropical waters, it does not like the Adriatic coasts at all.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Steno

Between Dolphins of the Mediterranean the occasional one is this, the Steno, present instead numerous in tropical and temperate waters. This Steno bredanensis it is 2.50 meters long and weighs 130-160 kg, its skin is dark gray with some pinkish spots on the belly and sides. It feeds on cfrogs and fish, turning in groups of a maximum of ten specimens.

Dolphins of the Mediterranean: Bottlenose dolphins

In all the seas of Italy, especially in the Ligurian Sea, the upper Tyrrhenian Sea, the Sicilian Channel and throughout the Adriatic, finally, here are some Mediterranean Dolphins that are well present. They are those of the Bottlenose Dolphin species (Tursiops truncatus): even 4 meters long, with a maximum weight 350 kg, these dolphins are gray in color, with whitish underbelly and pinkish hues.

Between two types of Bottlenose Dolphin existing, the most robust is the pelagic one, which forms groups of even 100 or more individuals, the other is called coastal and lives in small groups. The basis of the nutrition of these Dolphins of the Mediterranean they are anchovies, sardines, mackerel and squid.

Dolphins to draw

THE dolphins to draw there is no shortage, since they have inspired and still inspire many designers. Here are some examples, then we can draw the ones we will see, in various oases and dedicated reserves, and those we imagine to meet.

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Video: Amazing time with Dolphins at Mediterranean Sea (January 2025).