
How to clean silverware

How to clean silverware

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How to clean silverware: valid home remedies to restore brilliance and splendor to silver furnishings at almost zero cost.

Who does not have silverware at home that tends to oxidize with the passage of time? It goes without saying that these silver items are most appreciated when they are in their luster and splendor.

They are generally protected from oxidation by zapping or rhodium plating treatments; this effect, however, does not last long. In fact, over time, silver blackens mainly due to the sulfur present in the air. It undergoes a chemical reaction that involves the classic unaesthetic blackish color that must be periodically eliminated.

Fortunately, there is no need to buy expensive brighteners to restore its splendor and luster to the silverware. Thanks to various grandmother's remedies that we will illustrate below, you can clean the silverware at home; it will regain its natural brilliance without having to resort to products that are harmful to the environment.

How to clean silverware, grandmother's remedies

Water and salt

Here is a mixture made of water and salt to polish silverware; it is a simple solution that can restore the brilliance of small silver objects, such as jewelry.

  • What we need

-15 grams of salt
-250 grams of demineralized hot water

  • Procedure

1) Pour the salt into the hot water and immerse the jewels

2) Leave it overnight then clean the jewelry with a dry cloth

Baking soda and vinegar

By adding sodium bicarbonate to white vinegar, a very effective compound is obtained in cleaning silverware. The action of these two products eliminates the opaque layer that covers the silver objects, leaving them perfectly clean and shiny.

  • What we need

-15 grams of sodium bicarbonate
-65 ml of white wine vinegar

  • Procedure

1) Gradually add the baking soda to the vinegar and mix well

2) After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, immerse the silverware to be polished in it then rub it on the object with the help of a clean cloth

3) Dry with a dry cloth: if necessary, repeat the process.


Toothpaste is an excellent brightener not only for silverware but also for metal objects.

  • What we need

-Hot demineralized water
-Neutral soap

  • Procedure

1) Carefully wash the objects with warm water and mild soap then apply toothpaste and rub with the help of a toothbrush or cloth

2) Once this is done, rinse the objects and dry with a dry cloth.

Tartar sauce

One of the lesser known products for cleaning silver is tartar sauce. You will be surprised to see its effectiveness in removing dust, eliminating the opaque layer.

  • What we need

-15 grams of tartar sauce
-5 grams of salt
-1 liter of water

  • Procedure

1) Pour the tartar sauce, water and salt into a container

2) Mix everything and leave to heat over medium heat.

3) Put the silverware inside and let it boil for 5 minutes.

4) After the indicated time, remove the objects from the mixture, let them cool then dry with a clean cloth.

Aluminum paper

Aluminum foil is one of grandma's most popular tricks to give new life to home silverware.

  • What we need

- Aluminum paper
-Hot demineralized water
-10 grams of salt

  • Procedure

1) Wrap a container in aluminum foil

2) Fill the container with hot water and add the salt

3) Put the silver items and let them soak for 10 minutes

4) Dry and clean with a soft cloth

Banana peel

The inside of the banana peel contains active ingredients that are effective in removing dirt from metal objects.

  • What we need

-The peel of a banana

  • Procedure

1) Rub the peel on the objects to be polished: if necessary, repeat the procedure several times, changing the banana peel.


Lemon is an excellent ally for polishing and preserving silverware in excellent condition.

  • What we need

-1 lemon
-5 grams of salt

  • Procedure

1) Cut a lemon in half, pass in the salt and use to polish the silver

2) Leave on for a few minutes, rinse then rub with a smooth cloth.

Helpful Recommendations: Even if these are natural ingredients, it is preferable to wear gloves. To prevent the silverware from oxidizing, clean it at least once a month.

Video: Quick way to clean silver items. How to clean silver items at home 2021. Silver cleaning in Telugu (January 2025).