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World Water Day, day when you notice how precious is a "thing" that many of those who are reading have at hand, but that others have never even seen flow, fresh, clear, bubbling.
Yet looking up it is impossible not to see: there are those who have too much of it, those who have dirty it, too much, to die of it. The March 22 it's the day you remember. "It's true, the water". With the promise to think more often about how in our small way to better preserve and guard a good that seems inexhaustible to us but is not, nothing prevents us from doing, saying, listening or writing something special on March 22.
World water day: what it is
World Water Day, WWD, la World Water Day, was established by the United Nations in 1992. Since that year it is an anniversary included in the directives of Agenda 21, the result of the Rio conference.
In practice, the United Nations on this date warmly invites member countries to reflect on their policies and actions regarding water but also to devote time and energy, and a day of their calendar, to promote concrete activities that transform World Water Day from "simple recurrence" to a moment of awareness and planning of virtuous actions.
In addition to the Member states, to give significance to this date is the precious contribution of many non-governmental organizations that have always worked, in their large or small, to raise public awareness on the issue of water, both global and local .
In the years, World Water Day after World Water Day, attention has increasingly focused on access to'fresh water and on the sustainability of aquatic habitats. This does not mean not recalling out loud that a billion people do not have access to clean water and that in some countries there are patriarchal structures that determine the priority in the use of available water.
World water day: initiatives
Every three years, since 1997, the World Water Council convenes a World Water Forum. The last was last year in Daegu-Gyeongbuk in South Korea, the dominant slogan was "Water for our future": over 1,800 senior national and international officials attended the opening ceremony, the audience of the forum was close to 30 thousand people, from 170 countries.
The previous one, on the occasion of the World Water Day in 2012, it was held in Marseille and over 140 ministerial delegations and more than 180 countries represented took part, including Italy. The goal of the World Water Day as of the Forum itself, it is to collect contributions and debate on current local, regional and global problems. Fortunately, the Forum is aware that problems such as those concerning water cannot be solved without a framework agreement with common objectives and strategies.
World water day 2019: "Leaving no one behind"
This year's theme is "Leaving no one behind ", is nothing more than a declination of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and objective 6 which clarifies how access to drinking water must be "universal", that is, no person can remain "behind" and therefore be "excluded" by 2030.
They look at the current situation there is no doubt, we are late and the fear is that no state will be able to guarantee the achievement of this goal, despite the fact that in 2010 the UN recognized "the right to drinking water and clean and safe sanitation facilities as a human right, essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights ".
Having said this, this objective may seem trivial, perhaps, to those who do not have these problems, and may appear in a certain sense limited. When we talk about drinking water we do not only mean water that can be drunk but also “safe” water for other activities such as for example personal hygiene, washing clothes, preparing food and domestic hygiene.
Self let's take a look around the world, in fact, we can see that there are billions of people living without safe water in their homes, schools, workplaces, farms and factories. This difficulty often has repercussions on the entire economic system of a country that is struggling to stand up.
Among the population it has difficulty in accessing water there are mainly women and children, this social injustice is not blind but affects in a targeted way according to some "discrimination factors" relating to sex and gender, race, ethnicity, religion, birth, caste, language and nationality, disability , age and state of health, ownership, possession, residence, economic and social status.
However, much also depends on environmental conditions because the changes in climate, geological instability and the changes that industrial development has often made to our Earth may have affected the balance and compromised a access to drinking water. It is precisely in these cases that we see the emergence of migratory flows often linked to water scarcity, food security and social stability. If in 2015 19.2 million people out of 27.8 migrated did so for environmental reasons, in 2050 this percentage could increase making the migratory movement reach 200 million.
In recent years, the percentage of people who have gone to live in large cities are therefore the first cities to be called to face this challenge of water crises, like many others. The event organized by the Italian Committee for the World Water Contract (CICMA) which aims to deepen the theme of World Water Day with particular reference to the role that cities can play with respect to the impact of climate change and population movements and the challenge of how to guarantee access to water and to basic services as universal human rights.
With respect to these challenges the Charter of Cities for the human right to water , proposed by CICMA and first adopted by the City of Milan and signed by the Local Agenda 21 Coordination and by Rete Città Sane, aims to be a proposal for a sustainable urban agenda not only with respect to environmental issues but also at the level of social sustainability.
The proposed actions and commitments will be the subject of a comparison in the Seminar round table which will take place in Milan on March 22nd, at the Central Water, and that the administration of Milan will allow a comparison with some networks and associations and the contribution of the companies that manage the water service.
World water day: the role of WWF
WWF on the occasion of the World Water Day recalls how this good is an "essential right for human life" by reciting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Then, in the hands of the data, it reaches that today over a billion people cannot rely on a continuous supply of drinking water, while 2.4 billion people - more than a third of the world population - do not have adequate sewage systems available. .
One of the causes is certainly the unevenness of rainfall, linked to climate change, but we cannot remain silent in the World Water Day the strong responsibility that the high level of pollution also has in this area: in developing countries, 90% of waste water is poured directly into rivers, causing 250 million sick people every year. There tendency to drink more and more bottled water it only makes the situation dramatic.
There World Water Day 2017 we can make it useful with a daily action, reaction and decision: drink tap water. WWF explains the main benefits which are more than convincing. First of all, it costs much less - 500 to 1,000 times less than bottled water - and then it is safer. This alone would be enough to run now in the moment, finished the article, to drink a nice glass of tap water.
If we need to think about it, we think that it does not pollute unlike mineral water which, often coming from areas very far from the place of purchase, has a strong environmental impact due to transport. Finally, always on the green side, but the World Water Day it is, tap water does not produce waste, while packaging and bottles must be disposed of.
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