
Margherita: the flower and its healing properties

Margherita: the flower and its healing properties

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Daisy, or common daisy, or daisy: how many names for a very widespread but simple flower known to all. And there is also the scientific one, the most enigmatic: Bellis perennis. This plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, has a height that does not exceed 15 cm, is perennial and has an annual cycle, the flowers appear around March but accompany us for several months.

It does not have a real stem, the daisy, but a sort of peduncle that emerges from one shy rose of leaves and holds the flower. A few cm above the ground. The only leaves that accompany the flower are at the base, are elongated and narrowed towards the petiole, with a slightly toothed profile, 14 - 16 mm wide and 35 - 40 mm long. The flower is simple and well known, it is useless to describe it: whether you like it or not , And how is it. It has a diameter of about 2–3 cm, unless it is the giant species.

Margherita: one of the most famous flowers

Very common in Europe, but widespread everywhere there daisy it is undoubtedly one of the most famous flowers in the world. The first quotes of this flower are by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, known for now, and then also appears in Nordic mythology where she is elected sacred flower in Ostara, goddess of spring.

Not only by artists, but it is also appreciated by insects, first of all by bees that visit it with the excuse of pollen. Between us, in truth, the daisy it is not among the best suppliers, but it probably has other qualities that attract bees. They do not fail to pass and tap into its simple flower.

The geographical origins of this flower are European, in Italy it is very present, I would say infesting if it were not adorable. It is also found in western Asia, on the island of Madeira, in northern Africa (Libya) and in North America. As a habitat, a location if you prefer, it loves uncultivated and abandoned areas, but it does not fail to be seen even in well-frequented areas such as lawns, gardens and parks. The plain is his passion but he can also reach up to 2000 meters, effortlessly covering hills and gentle slopes.

Margherita meaning

The English name of the daisy is a nice play on words: "daisy"Derives from day's eye, inspired by his habit of reopening every day at sunrise. Its scientific name has a completely different origin, we have to dig into the past and into ancient languages.

Bellis could derive from Bellide, one of the barbarous and cruel daughters of Dànao, king of Argos, or from the Latin word bellum (= war), since it heals wounds. Trivially but most likely it derives from the Latin adjective bellus (= beautiful, graceful), a tribute to its delicate freshness. The second name, perennis, is just to remember the biological cycle, it is perennial.

Margherita: healing properties

Anti-inflammatory, laxative, relaxing, calming, also for the eyes: the daisy it is simply precious. Also used in the kitchen for salads. But back to the healing properties: infused flowers and leaves are an excellent remedy against hypertension, they are astringent and also make diaphoretic tea. Me too'insomnia it can be hunted like this.

Always leaves and flowers, they can help the healing of wounds, crushed were instead applied to the skin for rashes, redness, boils and abscesses, macerated create a liquid which is effective as a pesticide.
Other circumstances where the daisy cures us are related to inflammation and eye diseases, inflammatory states, coughs or problems with the nervous system. This flower has purgative properties and is also used by some in case of minor colds.

Its properties have been known sinceancient Rome, especially those of healing: the surgeons of the capital used the juice of daisy to wet the bandages to be used in case of cuts. In the sixteenth century in England some advertised it as remedy for gout as well as for trauma and pain as it has been used for centuries.

Among the substances present in the daisy we have the saponins that make it look like'Mountain arnica as an effect on inflammation, tannins have astringent properties while essential oils are disinfectants. To have ownership of laxative are the vegetable resins that make the daisy also a cure for catarrhal constipation.

Margherita in cosmetics

Even in cosmetics, the beautiful daisy does its part. If it relaxes the spirit very efficiently, it also relaxes our skin, decongesting the face, especially the area around the eyes. L'oil obtained from the maceration of the daisy, it also has a precious firming effect - highly sought after - and invigorating.

It is used specifically by applying it to the areas of the breast, abdomen, neck and thighs: critical areas? There daisy it also strengthens the tone of our skin, and also that of the blood capillaries, contributing to the entire circulation system.

Yellow daisy

Simple and good, rich in useful properties and without particular contraindications, the margherita is one of my favorites. Especially when you amaze by also appearing in a yellow dress. Exactly, it exists and here is also one pack of 60 seeds to make it be born and grow in our garden. At only 3.30 with a result that will make the neighbors die of envy. Other than roses.

Giant daisy

In addition to the colors, the daisy it also knows how to amaze us with its dimensions. Here it is in giant size: it can reach 70 cm but remaining suitable both for cultivation in pots, and in gardens, and to be used as a flower to cut and give as a gift. And it is always highly appreciated by those who receive it. It takes class to give giant daisies. But let's start growing them with a pack of 1 euro and 20, but with giant expectations.

African daisy

There african daisy in the scientific world it is called Dimorphotheca and it is a very vigorous annual herbaceous plant. It forms small dense and compact tufts that from May until autumn are full of flowers exactly like daisies but of various colors. Over the years, numerous products have been produced hybrids and cultivars, then, and the possible colors multiplied.

There is the simple and classic and white but with a blue center, and then everything: yellow, orange, salmon, pink, purple. Always with the central disc of contrasting color, very showy. This daisy, originally from southern Africa, is also known as daisy of the cape.

Purple daisy

I challenge everyone not to trade one african daisy purple version with a purple daisy by definition and type. It is a quality apart, said osteospermum, but few know it and very few expert eyes distinguish them.

They are also present in the same areas among others and also exist flowers born from hybridization of the two daisies: African and purple. In front of a purple daisy so we have three possibilities: it can be a dimorphotheca, an osteospermum or a hybrid of the two.

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Video: Margherita - Massara - HQ (January 2025).